Monday, September 26, 2005


Carry on....

I am a big fan of "Carry on" series of movies, esp I love watching Ken and Sid. I am collecting all the movies in this series. Yesterday, I got "Carry on Emmanuelle". This is by far the worst film I have seen, in this series. Centered around "affairs", this film lacks that traditional "Carry on" charm. Keep off this film, if you are new to this series. I suggest you watch "Carry on Up the Jungle" or "Carry on Cowboy" for some real carry-on fun!

Movies I have in this series:

Carry On Sergeant
Carry On Teacher
Carry On Spying
Carry On Cowboy
Carry On Cleo
Carry On Screaming!
Carry On Don't Lose your Head
Carry On Doctor
Carry On up the Khyber
Carry On Camping
Carry On Again Doctor
Carry On up the Jungle
Carry On Girls
Carry On Dick
Carry On Behind
Carry On Emmannuelle


J2EE newbie!!

Lately, I am doing a lot of Java / J2EE stuff, since Sudha is in to those technologies. Though I am one of those persons who would prefer to sweat it out with C / Assemly rather than making use of all the making-life-easier goodies offered by Java and related frameworks, I have to admit that my respect for J2EE framework is growing as I learn more about it. It is actually a breeze churning out a quality web application using Struts -- I was able to do that in 45mins, from scratch to deployment! Thats a pretty impressive figure for me...I don't know if web applications of enterprise quality can be done using Microsoft technologies the same way Java technologies allow you to do, I am not an expert in it. But, if any of you have personal experience in these, I'd love to hear your views.

Yesterday, we decided to create our own custom tag library. Sudha wrote a prime number generator tag, a simple TLD and the corresponding taglib entries in web.xml. When deployed, it threw an exception "tag-class not found". What the heck? Then we noticed our DTD was specifying a wrong version. After a quick fix, we deployed it again. Now, it threw an exception that said "PrimeTags definition not found". It seemed that the server (weblogic) couldn't find PrimeTags.class, our Tag handler class. We had it under /WEB-INF/classes. What could be wrong? We wrapped that tag handler in a package and redeployed the same. Now we got another error - "Bad class file. Current version is 49.0, expected is 48.0", a quick search in Google told us that we are trying to mix java1.5 & java1.4 compiled binaries. Resetting the java_home / path variables to point to jdk1.4 solved the problem!!

Now the question is, why couldn't the server pick up our class file when not packaged??

Tuesday, September 20, 2005


Dumb Error Messages

I use Intel VTune performance analyzer with VS.NET 2003. Today, when I opened my solution, I got these really dumb error msgboxes from VTune...

First this one... EmbeddedHtmlHelp.cpp??? Very helpful!

Next it told me there was something wrong with VT projects, as if I didnt know that!! (Sorry, if this doesnt make sense, this is an in-house joke! ;))

Next it showed how bad a product could become....

Gem of all! No info messages at all, but with an INFO icon...icing is that Yes/No button..what am I supposed to press now? Yes or no? I certainly would love to meet the person who wrote this code!

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