Monday, October 18, 2004


[Movie] SAW

I am seeing a lot of good reviews for SAW. From what I read, it seems, it is about 2 persons who are taken captive by a serial killer "JigSaw". They need to use a set of clues to solve some problems and then escape. Did they both escape? (surely not) I think the story line resembles Cube, though there was no serial killer aspect in that film. The trailer looks good and the main movie site compares SAW with SEVEN..hmm..I hope I get this film's VCD soon ! In the mean time, I suggest you go to the main site and have a look @ the trailer.

WTHAYLA, I agree Seven is a good film. I enjoyed it when I first saw it. Reg. SAW, it looks more like a cross between Cube & Seven (rather than just Se7en; Or atleast this was the impression I got from reading the preview), but the explicit comparison to Se7en alone might be a real turn-off for someone like me who got so excited by the inkling of a cube-se7en cross.
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